Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
From San Leandro BART to Hayward BART via Williams St., Alvarado St., Monterey Blvd., Floresta Blvd., Halcyon Dr., Bay Fair BART, 159th Ave., E. 14th St., 164th Ave., Miramar Ave., Stanton Ave., Lake Chabot Rd., Castro Valley Blvd., Castro Valley BART, Redwood Rd., Seven Hills Rd., Center St. and A St.
Upcoming Schedules - Effective January 5, 2025
- Mondays through Fridays except holidays
- Saturday
- Sundays and holidays
- To San Leandro BART
- To Hayward BART
10 Stops10 Stops5:50am6:50am7:50am8:51am9:51am10:51am11:51am12:51pm1:51pm2:58pm3:53pm4:55pm5:55pm6:53pm7:53pm8:53pm9:53pm
18 Stops18 Stops6:02am7:05am8:07am9:06am10:06am11:06am12:06pm1:09pm2:09pm3:18pm4:13pm5:13pm6:13pm7:08pm8:08pm9:08pm10:08pm
18 Stops18 Stops6:14am7:23am8:24am9:22am10:22am11:22am12:22pm1:25pm2:25pm3:39pm4:34pm5:30pm6:30pm7:21pm8:21pm9:21pm10:21pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:19am7:28am8:30am9:28am10:28am11:28am12:28pm1:34pm2:34pm3:44pm4:39pm5:35pm6:35pm7:27pm8:27pm9:27pm10:27pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:23am7:32am8:34am9:32am10:32am11:32am12:32pm1:38pm2:38pm3:48pm4:43pm5:39pm6:39pm7:31pm8:31pm9:31pm10:31pm
7 Stops7 Stops6:34am7:43am8:45am9:43am10:43am11:43am12:43pm1:50pm2:50pm4:00pm4:55pm5:52pm6:52pm7:42pm8:42pm9:42pm10:42pm
7 Stops7 Stops6:21am7:24am8:25am9:25am10:25am11:24am12:26pm1:24pm2:24pm3:24pm4:24pm5:24pm6:24pm7:24pm8:24pm9:24pm10:24pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:27am7:30am8:33am9:33am10:33am11:31am12:32pm1:30pm2:30pm3:30pm4:30pm5:30pm6:32pm7:32pm8:31pm9:31pm10:31pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:30am7:35am8:38am9:38am10:38am11:36am12:37pm1:35pm2:35pm3:35pm4:35pm5:35pm6:37pm7:37pm8:35pm9:35pm10:35pm
16 Stops16 Stops6:44am7:49am8:53am9:53am10:53am11:50am12:52pm1:49pm2:49pm3:49pm4:49pm5:49pm6:50pm7:50pm8:49pm9:49pm10:46pm
16 Stops16 Stops6:56am8:02am9:09am10:09am11:09am12:03pm1:03pm2:05pm3:05pm4:05pm5:05pm6:05pm7:03pm8:03pm9:01pm10:01pm10:56pm
11 Stops11 Stops7:06am8:12am9:20am10:20am11:20am12:14pm1:16pm2:15pm3:15pm4:15pm5:15pm6:15pm7:14pm8:14pm9:11pm10:11pm11:06pm
- To San Leandro BART
- To Hayward BART
10 Stops10 Stops6:05am7:05am8:05am9:05am10:05am11:07am12:07pm1:07pm2:07pm3:07pm4:07pm5:07pm6:05pm7:05pm8:05pm9:06pm10:06pm
18 Stops18 Stops6:19am7:19am8:19am9:19am10:19am11:23am12:23pm1:23pm2:23pm3:23pm4:23pm5:22pm6:20pm7:20pm8:20pm9:20pm10:20pm
18 Stops18 Stops6:30am7:34am8:34am9:34am10:34am11:35am12:35pm1:35pm2:35pm3:35pm4:35pm5:37pm6:35pm7:33pm8:33pm9:30pm10:30pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:37am7:38am8:38am9:38am10:38am11:41am12:41pm1:41pm2:41pm3:41pm4:41pm5:41pm6:40pm7:39pm8:39pm9:34pm10:34pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:43am7:44am8:44am9:44am10:44am11:48am12:48pm1:48pm2:48pm3:48pm4:48pm5:47pm6:48pm7:45pm8:45pm9:41pm10:41pm
7 Stops7 Stops6:52am7:52am8:52am9:52am10:52am11:57am12:57pm1:57pm2:57pm3:57pm4:57pm5:58pm6:58pm7:53pm8:53pm9:49pm10:49pm
7 Stops7 Stops6:21am7:21am8:21am9:21am10:17am11:17am12:22pm1:22pm2:22pm3:22pm4:22pm5:23pm6:23pm7:23pm8:22pm9:22pm10:23pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:27am7:27am8:27am9:27am10:24am11:24am12:29pm1:29pm2:29pm3:29pm4:29pm5:31pm6:31pm7:31pm8:28pm9:28pm10:30pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:31am7:31am8:31am9:31am10:29am11:29am12:33pm1:33pm2:33pm3:33pm4:33pm5:35pm6:35pm7:35pm8:32pm9:32pm10:34pm
16 Stops16 Stops6:41am7:44am8:44am9:44am10:43am11:43am12:49pm1:49pm2:49pm3:49pm4:49pm5:48pm6:48pm7:48pm8:44pm9:44pm10:44pm
16 Stops16 Stops6:50am7:53am8:53am9:53am10:55am11:55am1:01pm2:01pm3:01pm4:01pm5:01pm5:59pm6:59pm7:59pm8:54pm9:54pm10:54pm
11 Stops11 Stops6:59am8:02am9:02am10:02am11:04am12:04pm1:10pm2:10pm3:10pm4:10pm5:10pm6:09pm7:09pm8:09pm9:03pm10:03pm11:02pm
- To San Leandro BART
- To Hayward BART
10 Stops10 Stops6:05am7:05am8:05am9:05am10:05am11:07am12:07pm1:07pm2:07pm3:07pm4:07pm5:07pm6:05pm7:05pm8:05pm9:06pm10:06pm
18 Stops18 Stops6:19am7:19am8:19am9:19am10:19am11:23am12:23pm1:23pm2:23pm3:23pm4:23pm5:22pm6:20pm7:20pm8:20pm9:20pm10:20pm
18 Stops18 Stops6:30am7:34am8:34am9:34am10:34am11:35am12:35pm1:35pm2:35pm3:35pm4:35pm5:37pm6:35pm7:33pm8:33pm9:30pm10:30pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:37am7:38am8:38am9:38am10:38am11:41am12:41pm1:41pm2:41pm3:41pm4:41pm5:41pm6:40pm7:39pm8:39pm9:34pm10:34pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:43am7:44am8:44am9:44am10:44am11:48am12:48pm1:48pm2:48pm3:48pm4:48pm5:47pm6:48pm7:45pm8:45pm9:41pm10:41pm
7 Stops7 Stops6:52am7:52am8:52am9:52am10:52am11:58am12:58pm1:58pm2:58pm3:58pm4:58pm5:58pm6:58pm7:53pm8:53pm9:49pm10:49pm
7 Stops7 Stops6:21am7:21am8:21am9:21am10:17am11:17am12:22pm1:22pm2:22pm3:22pm4:22pm5:23pm6:23pm7:23pm8:22pm9:22pm10:23pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:27am7:27am8:27am9:27am10:24am11:24am12:29pm1:29pm2:29pm3:29pm4:29pm5:31pm6:31pm7:31pm8:28pm9:28pm10:30pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:31am7:31am8:31am9:31am10:29am11:29am12:33pm1:33pm2:33pm3:33pm4:33pm5:35pm6:35pm7:35pm8:32pm9:32pm10:34pm
16 Stops16 Stops6:41am7:44am8:44am9:44am10:43am11:43am12:49pm1:49pm2:49pm3:49pm4:49pm5:48pm6:48pm7:48pm8:44pm9:44pm10:44pm
16 Stops16 Stops6:50am7:53am8:53am9:53am10:55am11:55am1:01pm2:01pm3:01pm4:01pm5:01pm5:59pm6:59pm7:59pm8:54pm9:54pm10:54pm
11 Stops11 Stops6:59am8:02am9:02am10:02am11:04am12:04pm1:10pm2:10pm3:10pm4:10pm5:10pm6:09pm7:09pm8:09pm9:03pm10:03pm11:02pm
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To San Leandro BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 28 - Alvarado - Castro Valley - B St.
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint