Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
From Foothill Square, Oakland to Hayward BART via MacArthur Blvd., Estudillo Ave., San Leandro BART, Davis St., Westgate Parkway, Merced St., Kaiser Hospital, Wiley St., Farnsworth St., Fargo Ave., Lewelling Blvd., Meekland Ave., Hayward Amtrak and A St.
- Mondays through Fridays except holidays
- Saturday, Sundays and holidays
- To Foothill Square
- To Hayward BART
9 Stops9 Stops6:29am7:32am8:30am9:30am10:30am11:30am12:30pm1:30pm2:30pm3:33pm4:33pm5:33pm6:31pm7:31pm8:31pm9:29pm10:29pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:36am7:40am8:38am9:38am10:38am11:39am12:39pm1:39pm2:38pm3:40pm4:41pm5:41pm6:39pm7:39pm8:39pm9:36pm10:36pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:40am7:44am8:43am9:43am10:43am11:43am12:43pm1:43pm2:43pm3:45pm4:46pm5:46pm6:43pm7:43pm8:43pm9:40pm10:40pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:46am7:50am8:49am9:49am10:49am11:51am12:51pm1:51pm2:49pm3:52pm4:52pm5:52pm6:48pm7:48pm8:48pm9:45pm10:45pm
8 Stops8 Stops6:56am8:01am9:00am10:00am11:00am12:04pm1:04pm2:04pm3:04pm4:07pm5:04pm6:04pm6:58pm7:58pm8:58pm9:56pm10:56pm
15 Stops15 Stops7:09am8:16am9:12am10:12am11:12am12:19pm1:19pm2:19pm3:17pm4:20pm5:15pm6:15pm7:08pm8:08pm9:08pm10:06pm11:06pm
14 Stops14 Stops6:16am7:19am8:18am9:18am10:18am11:20am12:20pm1:20pm2:20pm3:20pm4:20pm5:19pm6:19pm7:17pm8:17pm9:17pm10:17pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:28am7:30am8:32am9:33am10:33am11:37am12:37pm1:37pm2:37pm3:37pm4:37pm5:35pm6:35pm7:32pm8:29pm9:29pm10:29pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:34am7:35am8:38am9:39am10:39am11:43am12:43pm1:43pm2:43pm3:43pm4:43pm5:42pm6:42pm7:40pm8:36pm9:36pm10:36pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:38am7:40am8:42am9:44am10:44am11:48am12:48pm1:48pm2:48pm3:48pm4:48pm5:46pm6:46pm7:43pm8:39pm9:39pm10:39pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:43am7:45am8:47am9:49am10:49am11:53am12:53pm1:53pm2:53pm3:53pm4:53pm5:51pm6:51pm7:47pm8:42pm9:42pm10:42pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:55am7:57am9:00am10:04am11:04am12:07pm1:07pm2:07pm3:07pm4:07pm5:07pm6:05pm7:05pm7:59pm8:54pm9:54pm10:54pm
- To Foothill Square
- To Hayward BART
9 Stops9 Stops6:29am7:29am8:29am9:29am10:30am11:30am12:30pm1:31pm2:31pm3:31pm4:31pm5:30pm6:30pm7:29pm8:29pm9:29pm10:29pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:35am7:35am8:35am9:35am10:39am11:39am12:39pm1:40pm2:40pm3:40pm4:40pm5:38pm6:38pm7:36pm8:36pm9:36pm10:36pm
4 Stops4 Stops6:38am7:38am8:40am9:40am10:42am11:42am12:42pm1:43pm2:43pm3:43pm4:43pm5:42pm6:42pm7:39pm8:39pm9:39pm10:39pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:45am7:45am8:46am9:46am10:49am11:49am12:49pm1:49pm2:49pm3:49pm4:49pm5:48pm6:48pm7:46pm8:46pm9:46pm10:46pm
8 Stops8 Stops6:55am7:55am8:56am9:56am11:00am12:00pm1:00pm2:01pm3:01pm4:01pm5:01pm6:00pm7:00pm7:57pm8:57pm9:57pm10:57pm
15 Stops15 Stops7:08am8:08am9:09am10:09am11:14am12:14pm1:14pm2:15pm3:15pm4:15pm5:15pm6:13pm7:13pm8:09pm9:09pm10:09pm11:09pm
14 Stops14 Stops6:11am7:11am8:11am9:11am10:11am11:11am12:11pm1:11pm2:11pm3:11pm4:11pm5:11pm6:11pm7:11pm8:11pm9:11pm10:11pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:23am7:23am8:24am9:24am10:24am11:25am12:25pm1:25pm2:25pm3:25pm4:25pm5:25pm6:25pm7:25pm8:25pm9:25pm10:25pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:27am7:27am8:28am9:28am10:28am11:30am12:30pm1:30pm2:30pm3:30pm4:30pm5:30pm6:30pm7:30pm8:30pm9:30pm10:30pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:31am7:32am8:33am9:33am10:33am11:34am12:34pm1:34pm2:34pm3:34pm4:34pm5:34pm6:34pm7:34pm8:34pm9:34pm10:34pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:35am7:37am8:37am9:37am10:37am11:39am12:39pm1:39pm2:38pm3:38pm4:38pm5:38pm6:38pm7:38pm8:38pm9:38pm10:38pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:45am7:48am8:49am9:49am10:49am11:51am12:51pm1:51pm2:49pm3:49pm4:49pm5:49pm6:49pm7:49pm8:49pm9:49pm10:49pm
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Foothill Square
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 34 - Estudillo - Davis - Meekland
To Hayward BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint