Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
El Cerrito Plaza BART to Richmond Parkway Transit Center via Carlson Blvd., Richmond BART, Rumrill Blvd., Contra Costa College, Parchester Village, Giant Highway, Atlas Rd., and Richmond Parkway.
- Mondays through Fridays except holidays
- Saturday, Sundays and holidays
- To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
- To El Cerrito Plaza BART
20 Stops20 Stops6:40am7:10am7:40am8:10am8:40am9:10am9:40am10:10am10:40am11:10am11:40am12:10pm12:39pm1:09pm1:39pm2:09pm2:39pm3:09pm3:39pm4:09pm4:39pm5:09pm5:39pm6:09pm6:39pm7:09pm7:39pm8:09pm8:39pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:44am7:14am7:44am8:14am8:44am9:14am9:44am10:14am10:44am11:14am11:44am12:14pm12:44pm1:14pm1:44pm2:14pm2:44pm3:14pm3:44pm4:14pm4:44pm5:14pm5:44pm6:14pm6:44pm7:13pm7:43pm8:13pm8:43pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:52am7:22am7:52am8:22am8:52am9:22am9:52am10:22am10:52am11:22am11:52am12:22pm12:52pm1:22pm1:52pm2:22pm2:52pm3:22pm3:52pm4:22pm4:52pm5:22pm5:52pm6:22pm6:52pm7:21pm7:51pm8:21pm8:51pm
8 Stops8 Stops7:02am7:32am8:02am8:32am9:02am9:32am10:02am10:32am11:02am11:32am12:02pm12:32pm1:02pm1:32pm2:02pm2:32pm3:02pm3:32pm4:02pm4:32pm5:02pm5:32pm6:02pm6:32pm7:02pm7:30pm8:00pm8:30pm9:00pm
10 Stops10 Stops7:14am7:44am8:14am8:44am9:14am9:44am10:14am10:44am11:14am11:44am12:14pm12:44pm1:14pm1:44pm2:14pm2:44pm3:14pm3:44pm4:14pm4:44pm5:14pm5:44pm6:14pm6:44pm7:14pm7:42pm8:12pm8:42pm9:12pm
2 Stops2 Stops7:24am7:54am8:24am8:54am9:24am9:54am10:24am10:54am11:24am11:54am12:24pm12:54pm1:24pm1:54pm2:24pm2:54pm3:24pm3:54pm4:24pm4:54pm5:24pm5:54pm6:24pm6:54pm7:24pm7:52pm8:22pm8:52pm9:22pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:10am6:40am7:10am7:40am8:10am8:40am9:10am9:40am10:10am10:40am11:10am11:40am12:10pm12:40pm1:10pm1:40pm2:10pm2:40pm3:10pm3:40pm4:10pm4:40pm5:10pm5:40pm6:10pm6:40pm7:10pm7:40pm8:10pm8:40pm
10 Stops10 Stops6:27am6:57am7:28am7:58am8:28am8:58am9:27am9:57am10:27am10:57am11:27am11:57am12:27pm12:57pm1:27pm1:57pm2:27pm2:57pm3:27pm3:57pm4:27pm4:57pm5:27pm5:57pm6:27pm6:57pm7:25pm7:55pm8:25pm8:55pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:35am7:05am7:36am8:06am8:36am9:06am9:35am10:05am10:35am11:05am11:35am12:05pm12:35pm1:05pm1:35pm2:05pm2:35pm3:05pm3:35pm4:05pm4:35pm5:05pm5:35pm6:05pm6:35pm7:05pm7:33pm8:03pm8:33pm9:03pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:43am7:13am7:44am8:16am8:46am9:16am9:45am10:15am10:45am11:15am11:45am12:15pm12:45pm1:15pm1:45pm2:15pm2:45pm3:15pm3:45pm4:15pm4:45pm5:15pm5:45pm6:15pm6:45pm7:15pm7:43pm8:13pm8:43pm9:13pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:48am7:18am7:49am8:21am8:51am9:21am9:50am10:20am10:50am11:20am11:50am12:20pm12:50pm1:20pm1:50pm2:20pm2:50pm3:20pm3:50pm4:20pm4:50pm5:20pm5:50pm6:20pm6:50pm7:20pm7:48pm8:17pm8:47pm9:17pm
19 Stops19 Stops7:02am7:32am8:03am8:35am9:05am9:34am10:03am10:33am11:03am11:34am12:04pm12:34pm1:04pm1:34pm2:04pm2:34pm3:04pm3:34pm4:04pm4:34pm5:04pm5:34pm6:04pm6:32pm7:02pm7:32pm8:00pm8:29pm8:59pm9:27pm
- To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
- To El Cerrito Plaza BART
20 Stops20 Stops6:50am7:50am8:50am9:50am10:50am11:50am12:50pm1:50pm2:50pm3:50pm4:50pm5:50pm6:50pm7:50pm8:50pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:54am7:54am8:54am9:54am10:54am11:54am12:54pm1:54pm2:54pm3:54pm4:54pm5:54pm6:54pm7:54pm8:54pm
6 Stops6 Stops7:03am8:03am9:03am10:03am11:03am12:03pm1:03pm2:03pm3:03pm4:03pm5:03pm6:03pm7:03pm8:03pm9:03pm
8 Stops8 Stops7:12am8:12am9:12am10:12am11:12am12:12pm1:12pm2:12pm3:12pm4:12pm5:12pm6:12pm7:12pm8:12pm9:12pm
10 Stops10 Stops7:22am8:22am9:22am10:22am11:22am12:22pm1:22pm2:22pm3:22pm4:22pm5:22pm6:22pm7:22pm8:22pm9:22pm
2 Stops2 Stops7:34am8:34am9:34am10:34am11:34am12:34pm1:34pm2:34pm3:34pm4:34pm5:34pm6:34pm7:34pm8:34pm9:34pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:29am7:29am8:29am9:29am10:29am11:29am12:29pm1:29pm2:29pm3:29pm4:29pm5:31pm6:29pm7:29pm8:29pm
10 Stops10 Stops6:46am7:46am8:46am9:46am10:46am11:46am12:46pm1:46pm2:46pm3:46pm4:46pm5:47pm6:45pm7:45pm8:45pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:53am7:53am8:53am9:53am10:53am11:53am12:53pm1:53pm2:53pm3:53pm4:53pm5:54pm6:52pm7:52pm8:52pm
6 Stops6 Stops7:02am8:02am9:02am10:02am11:02am12:02pm1:02pm2:02pm3:02pm4:02pm5:02pm6:03pm7:01pm8:01pm9:01pm
3 Stops3 Stops7:07am8:07am9:07am10:07am11:07am12:07pm1:07pm2:07pm3:07pm4:07pm5:07pm6:08pm7:06pm8:06pm9:06pm
19 Stops19 Stops7:19am8:19am9:19am10:19am11:19am12:19pm1:19pm2:19pm3:19pm4:19pm5:19pm6:20pm7:18pm8:18pm9:18pm
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint