Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
El Cerrito Plaza BART to Richmond Parkway Transit Center via Carlson Blvd., Richmond BART, Rumrill Blvd., Contra Costa College, Parchester Village, Giant Highway, Atlas Rd., and Richmond Parkway.
Upcoming Schedules - Effective January 5, 2025
- Mondays through Fridays except holidays
- Saturday, Sundays and holidays
- To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
- To El Cerrito Plaza BART
20 Stops20 Stops6:40am7:10am7:40am8:10am8:40am9:10am9:40am10:10am10:40am11:10am11:40am12:10pm12:39pm1:09pm1:39pm2:09pm2:39pm3:09pm3:39pm4:09pm4:39pm5:09pm5:39pm6:09pm6:39pm7:09pm7:39pm8:09pm8:39pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:44am7:14am7:44am8:14am8:44am9:14am9:44am10:14am10:44am11:14am11:44am12:14pm12:44pm1:14pm1:44pm2:14pm2:44pm3:14pm3:44pm4:14pm4:44pm5:14pm5:44pm6:14pm6:44pm7:13pm7:43pm8:13pm8:43pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:52am7:22am7:52am8:22am8:52am9:22am9:52am10:22am10:52am11:22am11:52am12:22pm12:52pm1:22pm1:52pm2:22pm2:52pm3:22pm3:52pm4:22pm4:52pm5:22pm5:52pm6:22pm6:52pm7:21pm7:51pm8:21pm8:51pm
8 Stops8 Stops7:02am7:32am8:02am8:32am9:02am9:32am10:02am10:32am11:02am11:32am12:02pm12:32pm1:02pm1:32pm2:02pm2:32pm3:02pm3:32pm4:02pm4:32pm5:02pm5:32pm6:02pm6:32pm7:02pm7:30pm8:00pm8:30pm9:00pm
10 Stops10 Stops7:14am7:44am8:14am8:44am9:14am9:44am10:14am10:44am11:14am11:44am12:14pm12:44pm1:14pm1:44pm2:14pm2:44pm3:14pm3:44pm4:14pm4:44pm5:14pm5:44pm6:14pm6:44pm7:14pm7:42pm8:12pm8:42pm9:12pm
2 Stops2 Stops7:24am7:54am8:24am8:54am9:24am9:54am10:24am10:54am11:24am11:54am12:24pm12:54pm1:24pm1:54pm2:24pm2:54pm3:24pm3:54pm4:24pm4:54pm5:24pm5:54pm6:24pm6:54pm7:24pm7:52pm8:22pm8:52pm9:22pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:10am6:40am7:10am7:40am8:10am8:40am9:10am9:40am10:10am10:40am11:10am11:40am12:10pm12:40pm1:10pm1:40pm2:10pm2:40pm3:10pm3:40pm4:10pm4:40pm5:10pm5:40pm6:10pm6:40pm7:10pm7:40pm8:10pm8:40pm
10 Stops10 Stops6:27am6:57am7:28am7:58am8:28am8:58am9:27am9:57am10:27am10:57am11:27am11:57am12:27pm12:57pm1:27pm1:57pm2:27pm2:57pm3:27pm3:57pm4:27pm4:57pm5:27pm5:57pm6:27pm6:57pm7:25pm7:55pm8:25pm8:55pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:35am7:05am7:36am8:06am8:36am9:06am9:35am10:05am10:35am11:05am11:35am12:05pm12:35pm1:05pm1:35pm2:05pm2:35pm3:05pm3:35pm4:05pm4:35pm5:05pm5:35pm6:05pm6:35pm7:05pm7:33pm8:03pm8:33pm9:03pm
6 Stops6 Stops6:43am7:13am7:44am8:16am8:46am9:16am9:45am10:15am10:45am11:15am11:45am12:15pm12:45pm1:15pm1:45pm2:15pm2:45pm3:15pm3:45pm4:15pm4:45pm5:15pm5:45pm6:15pm6:45pm7:15pm7:43pm8:13pm8:43pm9:13pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:48am7:18am7:49am8:21am8:51am9:21am9:50am10:20am10:50am11:20am11:50am12:20pm12:50pm1:20pm1:50pm2:20pm2:50pm3:20pm3:50pm4:20pm4:50pm5:20pm5:50pm6:20pm6:50pm7:20pm7:48pm8:17pm8:47pm9:17pm
19 Stops19 Stops7:02am7:32am8:03am8:35am9:05am9:34am10:03am10:33am11:03am11:34am12:04pm12:34pm1:04pm1:34pm2:04pm2:34pm3:04pm3:34pm4:04pm4:34pm5:04pm5:34pm6:04pm6:32pm7:02pm7:32pm8:00pm8:29pm8:59pm9:27pm
- To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
- To El Cerrito Plaza BART
20 Stops20 Stops6:50am7:50am8:50am9:50am10:50am11:50am12:50pm1:50pm2:50pm3:50pm4:50pm5:50pm6:50pm7:50pm8:50pm
3 Stops3 Stops6:54am7:54am8:54am9:54am10:54am11:54am12:54pm1:54pm2:54pm3:54pm4:54pm5:54pm6:54pm7:54pm8:54pm
6 Stops6 Stops7:03am8:03am9:03am10:03am11:03am12:03pm1:03pm2:03pm3:03pm4:03pm5:03pm6:03pm7:03pm8:03pm9:03pm
8 Stops8 Stops7:12am8:12am9:12am10:12am11:12am12:12pm1:12pm2:12pm3:12pm4:12pm5:12pm6:12pm7:12pm8:12pm9:12pm
10 Stops10 Stops7:22am8:22am9:22am10:22am11:22am12:22pm1:22pm2:22pm3:22pm4:22pm5:22pm6:22pm7:22pm8:22pm9:22pm
2 Stops2 Stops7:34am8:34am9:34am10:34am11:34am12:34pm1:34pm2:34pm3:34pm4:34pm5:34pm6:34pm7:34pm8:34pm9:34pm
2 Stops2 Stops6:29am7:29am8:29am9:29am10:29am11:29am12:29pm1:29pm2:29pm3:29pm4:29pm5:31pm6:29pm7:29pm8:29pm
10 Stops10 Stops6:46am7:46am8:46am9:46am10:46am11:46am12:46pm1:46pm2:46pm3:46pm4:46pm5:47pm6:45pm7:45pm8:45pm
9 Stops9 Stops6:53am7:53am8:53am9:53am10:53am11:53am12:53pm1:53pm2:53pm3:53pm4:53pm5:54pm6:52pm7:52pm8:52pm
6 Stops6 Stops7:02am8:02am9:02am10:02am11:02am12:02pm1:02pm2:02pm3:02pm4:02pm5:02pm6:03pm7:01pm8:01pm9:01pm
3 Stops3 Stops7:07am8:07am9:07am10:07am11:07am12:07pm1:07pm2:07pm3:07pm4:07pm5:07pm6:08pm7:06pm8:06pm9:06pm
19 Stops19 Stops7:19am8:19am9:19am10:19am11:19am12:19pm1:19pm2:19pm3:19pm4:19pm5:19pm6:20pm7:18pm8:18pm9:18pm
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To Richmond Pkwy. Transit Center
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint
Line 71 - Parchester - Rumrill - Carlson
To El Cerrito Plaza BART
Historical Rider capacity is displayed per timepoint